X.D.1 Buying a Horse Status:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang
- Pengulangan: Bisa, kalo spell steed hilang.
- Legend mark: Bought a horse
- Spell: Steed
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi: Stat points >75k.
Ke NPC Diri di Northern Velotropolis. Dari subway North Border ke kanan.
Pilih Buy Horse. NPC hanya akan memberikan doe seharga 50.000.
Naik Doe itu, jalankan menuju Great Marsh (jalan manual), kemudian ke atas sampai ke Small Rock Canyon.
Di Small Rock Canyon, ada jalan ke kanan kemudian ke bawah, masuk terowongan.
Keluar dari terowongan, naik lagi ke map atas. Ikutin jalan hingga sampai ke map yang namanya Path 5.
Setengah menaiki tangga, ada jalan ke kanan. Masuk, ikutin jalan. Nanti akan lihat semacam tangga menurun sempit.
Yang hanya muat 1 jalur.
Pastikan koneksi internet ga lagi lag.
Turun tangga skitar 3 langkah, akan ada cut scene kecil.
Cepet2 tekan bawah bertubi2 (feeling doang mungkin tapi kayaknya manjur). Sekali jalan ke bawah, jangan stop.
Char akan dikejar batu. Turun terus sampai NR.
Masuk rumah Amyr. Klik dia, nonton aja cutscenenya.
Ntar bisa klik dia lagi kalo udah selesai.
Ada perbedaan dikit text kalo char masih naik rusa sama engga. Ga ngaruh apa2.
Klik NPC Amyr lg, dia bakal jual kuda seharga 500.000.
X.D.2 Destroy Legion of UndeadStatus:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang
- Pengulangan: Bisa
- Exp: Sampai 300.000.000
- Legend mark 1: Destroyed [number] legion of undead in Enchanted Forest
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi: Telah menyelesaikan quest The Stolen Forest Heart
Klik NPC Forest Nature di Enchanted Forest koor 201,146.
Pilih option the undead untuk memulai dan melapor.
Lapor setelah membunuh 5.000 Enchanted skeleton.
X.D.12 Dream WorldStatus:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang
- Pengulangan: Tidak
- Exp: 10.000.000
- Item: [CD] Pillow Fight
- Legend mark (salah satu):
- Had a nightmare
- Had a sweet dream
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi: Stats 75k untuk masuk daerah Quaramyr.
Pergi ke perpus untuk mendapatkan petunjuk.
Baca buku Quaramyr Tavern.
Pergi ke Quaramyr Tavern dan ketik "dream bed" dekat NPC Oliv.
Bayar 500.000 koin jika setuju.
Masuk ke kamar dengan karpet kuning koor 8,8.
Jalan menuju ranjang dan diam di sana.
Setelah 5 menit, karakter akan masuk ke alam lain secara random.
Kalo ke nightmare, dapat legend nightmare, kalo sweet dream, dapat legend sweet dream.
Sampai sini, udah dapat legend dan CD, maka quest selesai. Sisanya adalah bonus.
Bonusnya cari tau sendiri.
X.D.3 Fairytale Status:
- Diffilcuty: Very easy
- Repeatable: Yes
- Legend mark: Told Orphan Children Fairytales [total number] times.
Prerequisite: Finished The Slivilli Orphanage quest
Click the NPC headmistress in Slivilli orphanage. She will be happy when you offer her help to read some stories.
She will give the task randomly. She will choose a random kid name and random fairytale you have to read to the kid (NPC).
If you wish to reject her chosen story, just choose that you are bored with that one.
If you wish to accept the task, just choose to say that you love that story.
The correct story has already been posted in the bookshelves in the orphanage.
Press o to read.
To finish the quest, you need to read them to the kid, meaning you will have to type all the sentences, word by word.
You need to type in an exact copy,
including all punctuation mark.
Hint: You can finish this quest much faster if you have a copy of it somewhere and just copy paste sentence by sentence each time you do this quest.
X.D.4 Flotanar SupplierStatus:
- Diffilcuty: Very easy
- Repeatable: No
- Legend mark: Flotanar fruits and vegetables supplier
Go meet NPC Fruve in Flotanar. He is standing at 46,80.
Answer yes to all of his question.
Continue to quest: Supplying Flotanar Greens
X.D.5 Food for refugee Status:
- Diffilcuty: Very easy
- Repeatable: Yes
- Legend mark: Provided refugees with food [total number] times.
Buy crate of foods from NPC butcher in the mall.
Bring it to Villager Guard NPCs in Dragon Tomb.
The guard will let you pass only if you have a crate of foods in your inventory.
Walk up a little bit, click NPC Elder Koha. He will give you gratitude and ask for your help daily. You can repeat this quest every day.
X.D.6 Forgotten TreasureStatus:
- Diffilcuty: Very easy
- Repeatable: No
- Item:
Male Mage: Ancient Robe
Female Mage: Ancient Gown
Male Poet: Charisma Robe
Female Poet: Charisma Gown
Male Rogue: Ancient Fur Cloak M
Female Rogue: Ancient Fur Cloak F
Male Warrior: Ancient Caped Armor
Female Warrior: Ancient Armored Robe
- Legend mark: Discover What was Buried in Forgotten Chambers.
Each chamber in Forgotten Chambers is class specific.
You can read the board in the room, press o.
They offer a hint to pass the puzzle.
North West Chamber --> Rogue, need elven dash spell.
North East Chamber --> Poet, need harden body spell.
South West Chamber --> Mage, just walk.
South East Chamber --> Warrior, just walk avoid the traps.
- Diffilcuty: Medium
- Repeatable: No
- Exp: 200.000.000 (optional)
- Item: [Rune] Koi Temple
- Legend mark 1: Single-handedly donated all items needed to restore the Koi Temple
- Legend mark 2: Did not fully help to restore Koi Temple
Prerequisite: Stats points >= 40.000
Enter the abandoned Koi Temple, east of bat cave shore. Meet NPC Hora. When hinted to greet him, say "hello" or "hi" to him.
When mentioned about the items he need. Choose one of the two possible option.
If you choose to give him 5.000 Stone Block, 50 Live Koi, 500 Lettuce, 500 Zucchini, and 200.000 Coins.
He will reward you exp.
If you choose to only give him 200.000 Coins, you will get legend mark 2 and will not get the exp reward.
Whichever you choose, you will finish the the quest. Re-enter / or the next time you visit Koi Temple,
the Koi Temple would be restored to its beauty.
Meet NPC Hora again, he will give you the Rune for Koi Temple.
The shrine was abandoned when you first came:Finishing the quest, restores it to its glory:
X.D.8 Lotus Organization Encounter Status:
- Diffilcuty: Easy
- Repeatable: Yes, each time you change faction
- Legend mark: Member of the Lotus Organization
- Level 99 to start, stat points 75k to finish.
- Not in another faction
Go to Slivilli and enter the house at 64,111. Walk up behind the peeping NPC.
He will be shocked and disappear. You will also get legend mark: Marked by the Lotus Organization.
Go to the Great Marsh and walk all the way to the North, pass through the Small Rock Canyon.
When you reach Path 1, you will see someone (NPC) following you.
You need to walk all the way from Path 1 to Path 9. Walk following and stay on the road to trigger the quest update.
If you did it right, you will get a yellow text:
You sensed that you are being followed (1/9).
After you get 9/9. Go to Quaramyr Tavern, click the NPC and choose rent the best room.
Enter the best room (door with red carpet).
You will be attacked by 4 masked figure. Kill them all. A cutscene ensued will lead you to the Lotus HQ.
Click NPC Hakari if you wish to join the Lotus Organization.
If you join, you will get the member legend mark and qualify to learn the organization's spells.
X.D.9 Quaramyr Mine Permit Status:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang
- Pengulangan: Ga bisa
- Legend mark: Permitted to enter Quaramyr Mine
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi: Dapat masuk ke Quaramyr
Masuk gedung di Quaramyr 23,28. Klik NPC Kiva.
Untuk dapat permit, char harus punya skill mining di atas amatir dan bayar 50.000 koin.
X.D.10 The Slivilli OrphanageWARNING: PLAYER'S CHOICE LEGEND MARKStatus:
- Diffilcuty: Very easy
- Repeatable: No
- Legend mark 1: Refused to help Slivilli Orphanage
- Legend mark 2: Helped the orphanage
Go meet NPC Headmistress in Slivilli Orphanage.
She will ask if you willing to donate a month worth supply of food.
If you refuse, you will get legend mark 1 and the quest is finish.
If you accept, you need to bring her 25 crate of foods that you can buy from NPC butcher in the mall.
If you give her the food, you will get legend mark 2 and the quest is finish.
X.D.11 The Stolen Forest HeartStatus:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Sedang
- Pengulangan: Ga bisa
- Exp:
- Item: [Rune] Enchanted Forest
Senjata: Wooden Ladder
- Legend mark: Recovered the stolen Heart of Enchanted Forest
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi: stats point 300k++
Note: Guide Maze tidak pernah akan gw publish.
Ini guide quest, bukan guide maze.
Pergi ke tengah maze Enchanted Forest.
Masuk pintu warp 163,164. Masuk ke rumah Sokar di 288,277.
Klik NPC Sokar sampai selesai. Pencet o terhadap peti, akan dapat beberapa item.
Pencet o terhadap tangga. Ambil dan balik ke maze.
Balik pake naskun aja.
Naik tembok maze ke koor 200,61. Madep bawah, pakai tangga dan pencet spasi/o.
Pilih put ladder. Turun ke bawah. Tangganya bisa diambil lagi.
Kalo tangga diambil saat ada orang lain yang lg manjat. Jika posisinya masih tinggi.
Terjadi pembunuhan.
Cari jalan ke Burial Chamber di koor 169,208.
Bunuh 4 macam tengkorak warna (mini boss) yang drop kunci.
Kalo udah dapat 4 warna. Turun ke Burial Chamber 3.
Pake 4 kunci untuk buka pintu.
Kill bossnya. Pake kunci untuk buka peti.
Peti hanya spawn kalo boss spawn
<<<<<< BACA KALIMAT INI BAIK2.Setelah dapat Forest Heart. Balik ke tengah maze.
Pencet o/spasi terhadap orb. Pilih taruh Forest Heartnya.
Balik ke NPC Sokar. Selesai.
X.C.X.1 Meet with NatureStatus:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang banget
- Pengulangan: Ga bisa
- Legend mark: Met with nature
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi: Telah menyelesaikan quest The Stolen Forest Heart
Pergi ke Enchanted Forest koor 201,146.
Klik NPC Forest Heart. Selesainya langsung dapat legend.
X.C.X.2 ReligionStatus:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang banget
- Pengulangan: Bisa
- Legend mark: Woshipped [Ju Jak/Hyun Moo/Baekho/Chung Ryon]
- Stats: stat points +200k, tergantung pilihan.
Pergi ke Quaramyr 37,43. Dalam kuil, berdiri di depan patung pilihan sendiri.
Akan muncul pop up mau nyembah atau engga.
Kalau jawab iya, char akan otomatis masuk dalam posisi doa.
Selama doa, char wajib diam selama 5 menit. Ga bole gerak/chat/whisp/dll.
Setelah 5 menit, char akan mendapat kenaikan stats secara permanen.
Baekho: Vita +150.000 | Mana +25.000
Hyun Moo: Vita +50.000 | Mana +75.000
Ju Jak: Mana +100.000
Chungryong: Vita +200.000
- Bisa pindah2 agama. Tinggal ulangi step di atas.
- Sekali ambil "quest" ini, gak akan bisa balik ke keadaan seblom quest.
Artinya bakal agak repot pas tuker exp vita dan mana. Harus tuker2 "agama" klo ga mau rugi.
X.C.X.3 Runes FoundStatus:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang banget
- Pengulangan: Bisa
- Legend mark: Found [number] Runes of Dvara
Syarat yang harus dipenuhi:
- Bawa Dvara Rune
- Telah menyelesaikan quest The Stolen Forest Heart
Pergi ke Enchanted Forest, pencet o terhadap koor 149,135.
Pilih touch the orb.
X.C.X.4 The Blind NavigationStatus:
- Tingkat kesulitan: Gampang banget
- Pengulangan: Ga bisa
- Legend mark: Learned about the blind navigation of dark tunnel.
Pergi ke perpustakaan, baca buku yang judulnya:
Journey to the Isolated Ruins.